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Yesterday, Alessandro and some helpers unloaded a truckload of furniture into the store. It was raining, it was pouring, but they got it done. Today, four of us, Alessandro, friend Marc, Grandma Gigi and I set up. The kids joined us later in the afternoon and did homework, kid-tested the product (it all passed). We moved furniture from here to there and back again. We debated, we supported, we lifted, we got a lot done. Then we ordered a big pizza and enjoyed the ambiance of our new store as we ate and relaxed. It was a great day and now I've got to catch some zzzz' here are a few more pics from today! Technically we open tomorrow folks, but the store is still officially finding its sweet spot. We would love to see you...just know that it's not all perfect, perfect yet! And don't forget to join us on Friday, December 6th for our opening party! It will be a lot of fun...5-9pm. Good night!

Store Opening

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